Top 20 Resume mistakes (with check-list) you should avoid in Canada

A well-crafted resume is crucial in securing a job opportunity, and for Canadian job seekers, avoiding common resume mistakes is paramount. To help candidates navigate the competitive job market, it is vital to understand the top 20 Canadian resume mistakes and ensure they are not repeated.

Firstly, many job seekers make general mistakes that hinder their chances of success, such as using informal language or neglecting to proofread their resume for errors. Additionally, candidates often fail to tailor their resumes to suit the specific requirements of each job they apply for, resulting in a generic application that fails to stand out. Furthermore, job search mistakes, such as not networking or failing to follow up on applications, also significantly reduce one's chances of landing the desired position. Lastly, specific resume mistakes, such as omitting key information or including irrelevant details, must be avoided at all costs.

By addressing these issues and utilizing a comprehensive checklist, Canadian job seekers can greatly improve their chances of impressing employers and ultimately securing a job offer. 

General Canadian Resume Mistakes

The Top 20 Canadian Resume Mistakes (with check-list) highlights common errors that individuals should avoid when creating their resumes. This comprehensive list covers a range of areas, including general mistakes to avoid, key elements to include in a resume, and job search mistakes to be aware of. By addressing these resume mistakes, individuals can enhance their chances of securing employment opportunities in Canada's competitive job market. 

1. Using the same resume for different Job applications

Each job opportunity requires specific skills and experience, and a generic resume may not adequately highlight your strengths for a particular position. Furthermore, many companies and recruiters use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter through resumes, looking for specific keywords and qualifications. Using the same resume for different applications can result in your resume being filtered out and not even reaching the hands of a hiring manager. When applying for jobs in Canada, it is crucial to tailor your resume to each opportunity, ensuring that you showcase your relevant experiences and skills to stand out from the competition. 

2. Not reading the Job description before creating your resume

Reading the job description is a crucial step in the job application process. Yet, it is surprising how often this simple task is overlooked. Many candidates make the mistake of not thoroughly reading the job description before crafting their resume. By neglecting this essential step, they risk missing important information and requirements that employers are seeking. Not only does this oversight reflect poorly on the candidate's attention to detail, but it also jeopardizes their chances of making a positive first impression. Carefully reading the job description ensures that applicants understand the role and tailor their application accordingly, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize this task in order to present oneself as a qualified and attentive candidate.

3. Listing Job responsibilities instead of achievements

One common mistake many job seekers make is listing their job responsibilities instead of their achievements in their resumes. While it is important to include your professional experience and the tasks you performed in previous roles, focusing solely on your responsibilities may give the impression that you simply carried out your job without making any significant impact. Employers are often more interested in the results you were able to achieve and the value you brought to the organization. Instead of just stating what your role entailed, try highlighting specific accomplishments and the impact they had on the company. This could include increasing sales revenue, implementing successful marketing campaigns, or improving operational efficiency. By showing potential employers what you have achieved in your previous roles, you demonstrate your ability to deliver results and make a valuable contribution to their organization. 

4. Describing unrelated work experience

Describing unrelated work experience can be seen as a waste of time for hiring managers and can diminish the chances of securing a job. When applicants focus on work experiences that are not directly related to the position they are applying for, it distracts from the main aspects that would make them suitable candidates for the role. Recruiters and hiring managers look for specific skills, knowledge, and expertise that align with the job requirements, and providing unrelated work experience does not contribute to showcasing the desired qualifications.

Instead, it diverts the attention away from the essential aspects that make an applicant a strong candidate. Moreover, discussing unrelated work experiences may lead to confusion and a lack of clarity in understanding an applicant's true skills and capabilities. As a result, it can be detrimental to the hiring process as it reduces the chances of being considered for the position. Therefore, it is advisable for job seekers to focus on highlighting their relevant work experiences that directly correlate to the job they are applying for to enhance their prospects of being hired. 

5. Grammatical errors and typos in your resume

Grammatical errors and typos in your resume are critical and could lead to failure. Employers scrutinize resumes to evaluate a candidate's attention to detail, professionalism, and communication skills. A simple misspelling can create a negative impression and undermine your credibility. Therefore, it is imperative to thoroughly proofread your resume, ensuring the proper usage of grammar, syntax, and spelling. Your resume represents your first chance to make a positive impression, so never underestimate the importance of error-free content.

6. Creating a resume that’s too long or too short

When creating a resume, it is crucial to strike a balance between length and content. A resume that is too long can overwhelm employers and appear unprofessional. However, a resume that is too short may fail to provide a comprehensive overview of the applicant's skills and qualifications. A best fit would be a resume that is concise yet thorough. Including a professional summary can help condense information effectively. Generally, a resume should be limited to two pages, ensuring that it is easy to read and provides all necessary information.

7. Not using action verbs

Using action verbs in your resume is crucial for catching the attention of potential employers and showcasing your skills and accomplishments effectively. Action verbs add strength and impact to your statements, making your resume more dynamic and engaging. They demonstrate your ability to take initiative, achieve results, and contribute value to an organization. By using action verbs, you can convey your experience and qualifications in a clearer and more impactful manner, making it easier for employers to see your potential as a candidate.

8. Including information not typically included in Canadian resumes

In Canada, it is not typically included in resumes to disclose personal information such as marital status, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation. These aspects are considered unrelated to one's qualifications and should not be factors in a hiring decision. It is important to avoid mentioning them in both cover letters and resumes, as it might be perceived as unprofessional and potentially discriminatory. Newcomers to Canada should be aware of this cultural norm and make sure to focus on relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications when crafting their resumes. By avoiding these resume mistakes, newcomers increase their chances of being evaluated solely on their abilities and qualifications. 

9. Submitting a cluttered or improperly-formatted resume

A cluttered or improperly-formatted resume can hinder your chances of landing a job. It is crucial to ensure that your resume is easy to read and structured in a way that adheres to common resume standards. By organizing information effectively and following a clear layout, employers can quickly identify the relevant details they are looking for. A resume that lacks formatting and structure can be overwhelming for recruiters, leading them to overlook important qualifications and experience. Therefore, it is essential to present your resume in a professional and organized manner, allowing potential employers to easily understand your skills and qualifications.

Common Canadian Resume Mistakes To Avoid

When it comes to writing a resume, there are common mistakes that many Canadians make which can hinder their chances of being hired. One of the first resume mistakes to avoid is listing inaccurate contact information or, worse yet, lying about your qualifications. These mistakes immediately diminish your credibility as a job applicant and will likely result in your resume being discarded.

Additionally, it is crucial to remember that a good resume is one that looks professional and is easy to read. This means using a clean and organized format that highlights your relevant experience. Avoid cluttering your resume with excessive details or irrelevant skills that do not pertain to the job you are applying for.

Another important aspect of resume writing is ensuring that your document is free of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Carefully proofread your resume multiple times to catch any errors before submitting it to potential employers.

Lastly, keep in mind that many companies now use scanning software to review resumes. To ensure your resume makes it through this initial screening process, avoid using fancy fonts or graphics that may not be compatible with the system.

By being aware of these common resume mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, you can increase your chances of securing the job you desire. 

10. Listing inaccurate contact information

Listing inaccurate contact information is not only unprofessional but also highly inconvenient for individuals or businesses looking to get in touch. It can lead to wasted time and frustration as people attempt to reach out but are unable to do so. Inaccurate information may also create a negative impression, damaging the reputation and credibility of the person associated with the incorrect details. 

11. Lying on your resume

Lying on your resume is a deceptive practice that can have serious consequences for any employee. It is important to be honest and transparent when presenting your qualifications and experiences on a job application. Making false claims about your skills or achievements not only undermines your credibility but also jeopardizes your chances of being considered for employment. Employers value trust and integrity in their employees, and any intentional misrepresentation of information could lead to failure and wasted time. Moreover, the damage to your professional reputation can be long-lasting, making it harder to secure future job opportunities. It is crucial to be aware of these mistakes to avoid when applying for a job, ensuring a fair and ethical hiring process.

12. Using an unprofessional email address

Using an unprofessional email address, such as, can create a negative and untrustworthy image. It is advisable to opt for a more professional pattern, such as "firstName""lastName" like This demonstrates a level of professionalism and seriousness, which is important in professional interactions and can significantly impact one's reputation and credibility. 

13. Adding references

It is common practice to not include references on a resume itself. Instead, it is customary to leave the statement "references available upon request" to indicate that references can be provided if requested. Including references directly on a resume can make it appear cluttered and lengthy, detracting from the main focus of the document - showcasing one's qualifications and experiences. Employers typically expect applicants to have references ready, but it is up to the applicant to provide them when requested.

14. Listing irrelevant skills

Listing irrelevant skills in a professional setting is a complete waste of time. Employers in Canada value relevant skills that directly contribute to the job at hand, not a laundry list of unrelated abilities. Providing information about unrelated skills not only clutters the resume or job application but also takes away from the focus on relevant qualifications. It is crucial to prioritize and emphasize skills that are directly applicable to the position in order to present oneself as a serious and qualified candidate.

15. Listing hobbies

Hobbies are not meant to be highlighted in one's professional profile and should not find a place in a resume. The purpose of a resume is to showcase qualifications, skills, and experience relevant to the job being applied for. Listing hobbies can be seen as unprofessional and detracts from the important information that should be presented to potential employers. 

16. Attaching a photo

In order to ensure a fair and unbiased hiring process, it is important for applicants to refrain from attaching a photo to their job application. Many Canadian employers have adopted this practice, as it helps them avoid being accused of discrimination or bias. By removing the element of appearance-based judgments, employers are able to focus solely on an applicant's qualifications and skills, thereby promoting equal opportunities for all candidates. 

17. Uploading the resume file with the wrong name

When uploading your resume file, it is important to ensure that it follows the prescribed naming convention: FirstName_LastName_Resume.pdf. This pattern allows for easy identification of the document and facilitates a professional approach. Additionally, it is crucial to remember that the resume should be sent exclusively in PDF format, as it is considered the industry standard. By adhering to these guidelines, you demonstrate attention to detail and present yourself in a manner that aligns with professional practices.

18. Including too much information

Average time a recruiter spends to pre-filter a resume is 8-10 seconds. With such limited time, it is crucial for applicants to meticulously craft their resumes in a manner that is easy to read, clear, and instantly highlights their strongest skills and qualifications. Including too much information in a resume can be detrimental, as it overwhelms the reader and dilutes the impact of the most important details. Job seekers should instead focus on presenting concise and impactful information that aligns with the requirements of the desired position. By doing so, applicants can increase their chances of being noticed and considered for the job.

19. Using a clean generic resume template

When it comes to creating a resume, it is imperative to utilize a clean and generic template. This means avoiding the use of colored backgrounds, multiple columns, and fancy fonts that can distract and take away from the content of the resume. By opting for a laconic and well-structured template, job seekers can ensure that their information is easily understandable by application tracking systems (ATS).

These tracking systems are designed to scan resumes and extract key information, and using a clutter-free template assists them in accurately capturing and organizing the vital details. A clean and generic resume template allows the applicant's qualifications, achievements, and professional experiences to take center stage, ensuring that potential employers can easily and accurately evaluate the candidate's potential fit for the role. In essence, choosing the right resume template can significantly impact the success of a job application by effectively showcasing an applicant's qualifications. 

20. Having the wrong level of English

Having the wrong level of English can have serious consequences in various aspects of work and communication with both employees and clients. English is important in many spheres, and not being proficient in the language can hinder your ability to effectively convey ideas and understand important information. Attempting to deceive your employee about your language skills can lead to potential problems in the near future, as misunderstandings and miscommunications may arise. It is essential to prioritize improving English proficiency to avoid these potential pitfalls.